Some important information and frequently asked questions:
I understand that starting your counselling journey can be a daunting experience and you may be anxious about what to expect. Listed below are some common questions that clients often ask, which you may find useful, but if you can't find the answer or would like to speak in person then please get in touch.
What is Counselling and Psychotherapy?
There are many definitions which can be confusing. I believe that both terms can be interchangeable and what is important to understand is you will be given a PURE SPACE to explore you’re your feelings, emotions and what is happening for you in a non-judgemental and safe environment. For more information on my ethos please visit the Person-Centred Counselling page.
Will you be able to ‘fix me’?
It is not my job to 'fix' you. Through my own experience and learning I have witnessed the power in the PURE simplicity of someone being truly heard and accepted for who they are within a safe and untainted SPACE. It is here that change can happen and we can unburden ourselves from the views and opinions of others and start to discover ourselves - Wonderful, Unique and Amazing Human beings. The Person-Centred Approach is not a skill you learn or something that you teach, but an immersive way of being and living the best life.
How many sessions do I need?
Every individual is unique and works at their own pace. Experience suggests that there are very few 'quick fixes' in person-centred counselling and that change can occur at a different pace for different clients, which could be six sessions or regular on-going therapy.
What happens at my first Session?
At your introductory or first session we will discuss my approach to counselling and what you can expect from future sessions. I will answer any questions you may have and attempt to alleviate any concerns. It will provide the opportunity for us to decide if we feel that we are comfortable and would like to work together. We will then enter into a Counselling Contract, which will include practical details such as fees, timings, what happens if you miss a session, confidentiality, ethical framework, boundaries and how we will work together. We will then commence when you are comfortable and ready and from wherever you wish to begin.
How Are You Regulated?
I am a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and I’m regulated by and follow their best practice guidelines and ethical standards. As a Humanist I’m committed to fairness and equality and look to always see the client for who they are without judgement. I use the Equality Act 2010 as a minimum benchmark.
What about Privacy?
Your privacy is taken very seriously. I recognise the importance of keeping your data secure and reducing breaches in confidentiality and adhere to General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
How do you manage Confidentiality?
I provide a PURE SPACE where clients can feel safe in the knowledge that they will be truly listened to no matter how difficult the subject matter. However, there are limits to this. Confidentiality may be broken if I believe that there is a serious harm to you or another or if there is any disclosure regarding terrorism or money laundering. This is a legal requirement.
Who do you work with?
I work with Adults and young people over 16 years. . I do not work with minors.
How do you ensure safeguarding?
Safeguarding of both Adults and Children is paramount. I have extensive experience and training in this area. I also hold an enhanced DBS (Disclosure Barring Certificate).
What If I’m not satisfied with your service?
You have the right to complain about the service you are provided. If I cannot provide you with a satisfactory outcome, then you may contact to BACP with your concerns or grievance.
Are you insured?
PURE SPACE has specific counselling insurance. Further information can be supplied on request.
Do you have a supervisor?
I undertake regular clinical supervision. It is an important part of my practice and my own self-development. Supervision in counselling is when a counsellor uses the services of another counsellor to review the way they work with their clients. Supervision is a requirement by the BACPto ensure all counsellors in practice are keeping their skills up to date and that they work in a safe and ethical way.
Do you specialise in any areas?
Person-centred counselling is non-directive and I believe that the client is ultimately the person who knows themselves best and counselling helps to facilitate this realisation. However, I have a particular interest in Men's Mental health, Substance Misuse and Addiction. My About Page highlights areas I have experienced.
How much do you charge, and do you offer concessions or discounts?
Please visit the Fees and Services Page for more information. If you are on a low income or unemployed, please contact for rates and eligibility.
When are you available?
Please enquire regarding availability.
If you can't find the answer to you question then please get in touch.